Be aware you need to register on the Emergency Forum site first. Latest Bieberveld Mod includes a winter edition map. There are far more safer sites for you to upload and download from. Is a mod really worth risking your computer? I won't download from a site that security software flags as risky, if you wish to that's your choice.
Unless you absolutely trust the site then don't download from it, wait for the mod to be uploaded somewhere else it usually will be. Heads up guys, this doesn't happen very often but when it does be very wary. Happy new year to everyone and stay safe. Not sure of all the features of the mod or what they do or how they work, hopefully you enjoy anyway.
Trying the new Stuttgart mod, excellent mod and call out features are great.
Stay safe and thank you for supporting Emergency 4 Mod Downloads. Wishing each and every one of you guys a Happy New Year. Read the readme contained within the folder for instructions and known bugs. Welfordshire Mod v3 short preview, check my YouTube channel for a new video. Reminder you need to register and log into Notruf Fanforum before you can download any mod hosted on there. This isn't a mod just thought some of you might like this.